Be Prepared for Emergencies

September has been designated as the National Preparedness Month. There are different types of emergencies that could come upon you without any warning. Are you prepared for any emergencies? Think about the following scenarios and respond to them honestly:

No Electricity for 72 Hours
If at 6:30 PM today your daughter is at home with you and your husband went to pick up your son from an after school program. Then suddenly, there is no electricity in your community and you find out that the power will be off for about 72 hours. What would you do?

No Paycheck for 6 Months
Suppose you are the only one working in your household and you lose your job. You went looking for a new job and realized that because of the state of the economy and other reasons you may not get another job for about 6 months. Would you and your daughter (family) be able to survive? What would you do?

The key is to be prepared before you have an emergency. If there is a disaster, because you were prepared you may be able to minimize the discomfort that comes with such an event. There are several emergencies that you may be exposed to and it may be impossible to be prepared for everything. However, you should put in place a plan for at least one emergency every 3 months. If you are living in Florida, then you should begin this month by preparing for a hurricane. 3 months later you may start to put a plan in place for a different emergency, and so on.

As September comes to a close that does not mean we have to stop preparing. From a financial standpoint an event as a hurricane could be very devastating. So as we plan to manage our money, we must incorporate emergency preparedness in our plan. The downside is so great if we do not prepare appropriately.

At this time we ought to review all our insurance policies including life, property, personal effects, auto and health etc. We must know what is covered before we need to look to a policy for relief only to find out when it’s too late that certain losses were not covered. Below are a few links that I believe are important to give you a quick start in your preparation for different future emergencies:
After these exercises you and your family should know what you ought to do in the case of an emergency. Why is this important? Well, could you imagine that you implement your financial plan and lost almost everything because you failed to prepare for an emergency?

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