The Role Finance Play in Domestic Violence Cases

In many cases, people are trapped in a domestic violence situation because they believe that they would not be able to make it financially...

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It is a time when we focus on and recognize the ills of domestic violence in our communities. We all have a responsibility to come out and speak out against domestic violence. Join us at the event as shown below and let us help someone break and escape the bonds of domestic violence. See you at the event!

If you have any doubts about your relationship please call toll free The National Hotline: 800.799.7233 Or NY State Hotline: 800.942.6906 before it is too late!

Think about this: It is well known that the best way to survive an attack of a deadly disease is early detection, similarly such is the case with domestic violence. How is your relationship? Take this 3 minute quiz to find out!

If you are thinking about escaping an abusive relationship check this out first: Safety Planning!

See you at the next blog...

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